- Antioxidant Properties (Preventing the Oxidative Process in the
- Body, Scavenging free Radicals)
- Anti-Nociceptive
- Anti-Inflammatory
- Anti-pyretic / Fever reducer
- Immunomodulatory
- Sunscreen
- Sedative
- Stimulant of Sexual Desire
- Uplifting
- Eupeptic
- Aphrodisiac
- Anti-Flatulence
- Anti-spasmodic
- Anti-Obesity
- Appetite stimulant
- Anti-convulsive
- Stomach Stimulant
- Expectorant
- Antimicrobial and Antiviral
- Blood Pressure Reducer (Reduces Systolic Blood Pressure and Increment of Blood Circulation)
- Diaphoretic
- Resolvent
- Modifier
- Diuretic
- Astringent
- Convoying
- Anti-blockage
- Maturative
- Tonic for Heart, Stomach, Kidney, Lung,
- Memory and Brain Tonic
- Strengthen the Eyes
- Strengthen the Intestines
- Potent Oxytocic Activity
- Anti-genotoxic
- Antidote
- Sense-Enforcing Agent
- Anti-depressant and Anti-anxiety
- Rejuvenator
- Tranquilizer